My name is Steve and I have always been interested in astronomy and space related subjects since I was young leading me to a fascination of science, technical and engineering matters. I have a passion for teaching and inspiring people. Thanks for visiting my website and for your interest and I do hope you find it informative.
I am a Systems Architect working at Cisco Systems. I am a Chartered Engineer and have degrees and masters degrees in science and engineering – not that you need that to be fascinated with this wonderful subject!
Astrophotography lends itself well to its presentation on websites. However, whist an avid astrophotographer, I am a visual astronomer as well using a 12″ Dob and powerful binoculars.
I enjoy learning new skills and so I learned to develop web sites and here is my effort at I developed it on the Amazon Web Services Lightsail platform where it runs in WordPress on an Ubuntu Virtual machine. I did use shared hosting at one point but I was constantly having security breaches so I now run the site myself on my own virtual machine for a few pounds per month.
Below, at the bottom, is my other great interest, road cycling 🙂 I like to get out and do at least 100 miles a week if I possibly can. You may also catch me on Zwift and FulGaz.
As well as astronomy and cycling I love travelling, piano, food (beer!) and walking with Louise.
Below is me and my daughter Maya and pictures of me with Louise on our travels.
You may use any of the materials on this website for your own purposes. If you want to print a picture or share a video then go for it, with my blessing. However, please reference me as the source if you use any of my materials for academic purposes which as a good student you should be doing anyway! If you want to use something for commercial purposes then please contact me first – I am sure a pack of beers would go a long way towards my agreement!
In memory of my late wife and mother of my children Yvonne, taken cruelly despite being active, fit and healthy by breast and lung cancer in the prime of her life aged 50.
Stephen Kirk