


The Moon with my TEC140 December 2022.Images taken on the 6th and the 7th.  The 6th was not quite a full moon and the 7th was just a few hours past full. On the picture on the left you can see that the circle of the moon’s disk is not quite full between the 6 and 11 O’clock positions.Both images were taken with my TEC140 refractor and ASI174M camera through Baader RGB filters.Each capture was of 5000 frames and the seeing was quite good so that I could utilise the best 50% of frames of each capture run.  Because of the Field of View with the combination of the F8 focal length of the TEC140 and the chip size of the AIS174M, each capture run through each filter was comprised of a North and South run.  I then stitched the two together in Photoshop.Weather conditions were extremely cold at about…

This is a RGB image of The Moon captured at about 20:00 on 15th December 2021 from my observatory in Nottingham using my TEC140 refractor and ASI174MM camera. I captured two capture runs in each filter and stitched the resultant images together in Photoshop. Each video capture file was 9GB in size.

I captured two ISS transits of The Sun on the weekend of 12-13th June 2021.  Both images and videos were taken with my Lunt Systems T60Ha Hydrogen Alpha telescope and ASI174MM camera. ISS Transit at 15:05.14 on Saturday 12th June 2021 The transit above was not quite visible from my back yard and so I had to put all the gear into my car and drive about three miles from where I live.  I set up about twenty minutes early to ensure I was ready  and there were no technical gremlins.  I was not quite located exactly where the ISS crossed the precise diameter of the sun – I was about 300m away!  Yes, a very small change of position on the Earth’s surface really does make that much difference to the visible track of the ISS across the face of the sun.  The ISS was about 520km away when…

The Sun, 16 June 2021 at 13:10 UK time, Lunt 60Tha and ASI174MM This is a 10000 frame capture of the Sun with good seeing at 13:10 UK time in Nottingham. I used my Lunt 60Tha and my ASI174MM camera at 16-bit and 65 fps. The day was very hot – by UK standards – at about 28C and quite humid. I was able to use 92% of the frames which I stacked in Autostakkert. Post processing in IMppg and Photoshop CC. The image capture is a full disk and disk and proms are from the same capture. Black and White version

Images on this post were made by using the TEC140 and Celestron C925 SCT telescopes with my ASI174M mono camera. From my backyard in Nottingham on the evening of 25th March 2021 with the Moon high to the south in Leo at a phase of 86% waxing (i.e. growing towards full moon) and at an altitude of about 50 degrees above the horizon. A slightly hazy sky made for quite good seeing although it was very cold and windy and the moon was jiggling about a lot in the gusts, even inside my sheltered observatory. I had to try and time my capture runs between these gusts and passing clouds, a process that was not always successful. As a consequence I accumulated nearly 600G data for these four pictures in total, much of which had to be deleted. I was outside at the scope for about 90 minutes doing these…