Easily visible with the naked eye, M45, The Pleiades – sometimes referred to as The Seven Sisters, is a well known and famous Open Cluster in the constellation of Taurus. IT has been known since ancient times due to its prominence. The cluster is located between 450-500 light years away and contains several hundreds member stars. The cluster is quite young by astronomy standards and the cluster is moving through a cloud of gas which is easily visible in images and can been seen visually in a dark sky as well.
Technical Details
Imaged from my backyard in Nottingham on Saturday 9th January 2021 when high to The South. A meridian flip occurred half way through the data acquisition. I used my Takahashi FSQ85 refractor and QHY268C One Shot Colour camera. The image was created with quite a small data set of only 38 x 180s exposures.
Data acquired with Sequence Generator Pro and processed with PixInsight and Photoshop CC 2021. Very little processing has been done other than some noise reduction and a stretch into the none-linear state and a bit of vibrance added to the colour.
I have imaged M45 before. In a close-up setting and also in a widefield setting.