
Samyang 135mm


SADR is the central star of the Cross of Cygnus, between the arms of the cross. The constellation of Cygnus is supposed to represent a swan but to most people looks much more like a cross and consequently is often called The Northern Cross. The whole area abounds in nebulosity that is very easy to capture with a camera. This image is taken with a Samyang 135mm DSLR lens and subtends a field of view of about 8 x 6 degrees across the sky and so the long axis of this image is about sixteen moon widths wide. This is a very large area of sky to capture in one image. It is was made from 12 x 3 minutes exposures in each of the Red, Green and Blue and also a luminance of 24 x 3 minute Hydrogen Alpha 3nm exposures to give a total integration (exposure) time of…