I have owned my Celestron C925 SCT telescope for many years but have only ever used it for visual purposes. I have always preferred the use of refractors for imaging. However, I have started to want to get much greater detail in my lunar images, having been bitten by the lunar imaging bug. I had some significant issues getting the C925 properly collimated, accurate enough for imaging purposes, a story I discuss here. After successfully collimating the scope these are my first two pictures taken with The Moon quite low down in the East with some slight mistiness.
Above is Copernicus Crater and this time the best 15% of 3000 frames in each RGB filter. I used the same software and processes. However, you can see this does not quite have the same level of details as the top picture in this post due to lack of enough frames. There is always a balance of getting enough frames and the size of files and compute power to process them.